You're right, but history does throw up some interesting counter arguments. We've only really had a few revolutions here (disguised as civil wars) - whilst revolutions in France, China and Russia have been arguably more successful. I think its more about seizing the apparatus of power - something that's become harder as surveillance technology and infrastructure has improved. You need a militarised unit - and that's why the biggest threat to the US is from the right and not from occupy wall street etc. I've often wondered if the Black Panthers would make a resurgence.
Your car analogy is helpful and makes sense, I think the problem is therefore whether or not you blame the car. There may be something wrong with the relationship and the psychological missing pieces of the people involved but the default position of many people is 'he's a predator and you're too young to know better' - rather than, 'have you thought about it'. I tend to presume if you're 18 or above you've thought about it. Perhaps that is misguided. What's missing from the discourse is the selection bias. If you get together with a man 22 years older than you (as my best friend did) and you're happy and still together two decades later, you tend not to write about it. If you've had a negative experience, you tend to come out and warn people as though your experience is universal. It's a self selecting negativity bias. For the urchling et al to get a full sense of the real picture, they'd need to speak to those with an agenda and those without. The negative experience builds an agenda, the positive experience doesn't and this has to be factored.
Tell urchling I work in the place where the creepiest men go. When I am not writing I am a professional advocate in a secure mental health unit. I have spent a lot of time with some of the most dangerous men and women in the UK, many of them are not safe to be released.... but when you unpick much of what has happened to them, you find very complicated stories some of them terrifyingly tragic. Many of the creepiest men aren't dangerous and many of the most dangerous men aren't creepy - make sure the flowchart takes this into account - and yes, get her to draw it out and write an article about it! I like the urchling, she takes zero shit.
I will go and write up an article about MRA and PUA's for you both to pull apart! Keep on keeping on and don't let Jupe get your bras. :o)