You've presumed I'm white; that's on you. I don't play identity politics because it leads to exactly the sort of batshit mess that mean your children aren't allowed to look at your wife, or perhaps they are allowed to look at your wife but only for half the week? Seems insane to me to mandate what children of different skin colours can and can't do... but hey, not my utopia.
A lack of corrrect education is a problematic phrase because the word 'correct' has no real meaning. Correct according to whom? Your wife's view of the education of white children? Yours? The Swiss education system? The British Education system? Who is mandating what correct education should look like....
I can tell you from my own education that children of all races are psychologically predisposed to seek out faces and things which are novel. That may be white faces, it may be black faces. It may be beards. It may be bright colours. Children stare, it's what they do because it's how they learn. Teaching them to be ashamed of this from a young age, regardless of whether they're white, black or any hue in between would likely stunt their ability to take in and assimilate new information.
And that's as close as I'm prepared to get to defining what it means to 'incorrectly' educate a child.