Whispering this powerful word at exactly the right time will help you defeat your terrible decision making.

Competition between brain structures leads to poor decision making. Use this word judiciously to take back control of your thoughts.

Argumentative Penguin
8 min readJun 5, 2019
Credit: Philm1310 on Pixabay

The most important word in your quest for success is simple. And it’s not even a proper word. It’s a sound. One that you’ll hear up and down the country all day every day. One you’ll hear delivered by every fictional depiction of a librarian ever.



The word ‘Shhh’ doesn’t give you instant wealth and wellbeing. It won’t make you super attractive to the opposite (or same) sex. It won’t grant you the secret of eternal youth. It may not even make you happy. But it’s very powerful when used at the right point in your life.

If you’re using it on other people, you’re using it wrong.

You look disappointed. I get it. There are plenty of people that you’d like to go around and shhhh. I feel your pain.This word is for you to use on yourself, at very particular points of psychological crisis. But to truly harness the power of Shhhh you will need to understand two things.



Argumentative Penguin

Playwright. Screenwriter. Penguin. Fan of rationalism and polite discourse. Find me causing chaos in the comments. Contact: argumentativepenguin@outlook.com